Thursday, May 21, 2009

10 Free Apps - Turn Ubuntu into a Video Studio...

Ubuntu (Linux OS) has got some excellent FREE applications which can turn your PC into Live Studio! Highlighted and linked are the top 10 free applications available to make your PC into a Live Studio.

  1. AvideMux

  2. CinePaint

  3. Cinelerra

  4. Kino

  5. Jahsakha

  6. Slideshow Creator

  7. Lives

  8. Vivia

  9. KDEnlive

  10. FFmpeg

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lights. Camera. College. HECB Student Film Contest

Students and faculty involved in drama, video or web projects, or those who simply have a knack for creating videos that grab students—may be interested in a new film contest sponsored by the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board (HECB).

The HECB is looking for examples of videos that encourage students to think early about college and to explore financial-assistance programs the state offers. Winners will receive small prizes and official recognition, including postings on the State of Washington’s official YouTube site and screenings at the Washington State School Directors’ Association’s annual conference in November.

Entries must be the work of one or more students enrolled in grades 7-12 of a Washington public or private school during the 2008-09 or 2009-10 school year. Entry approval by a school principal or designee is required. The deadline is Oct. 19, 2009.

Additional rules, entry forms and other information can be found on the HECB website at