Thursday, March 5, 2009

Student Video Contest on the Forms of Energy

Westinghouse Electric Company, through its N-Vision Program, encourages education in science, technology and mathematics. One way that we do this is through our video contest on the forms of energy.

Students in middle and high schools are encouraged to prepare a three to seven minute video (VHS or DVD) on positive aspects of the various forms of energy, including nuclear energy. The purpose of the video contest is to enhance students' researching and fact-finding skills, and to educate them on the various forms of energy that we use today. Students are encouraged to be creative in their entries, yet informative. The video can be staged as a short play, commercial, news broadcast, talk show, music video, documentary, etc.

The winning videos in each category (middle and high school categories) will receive the following: the school science department will receive $3,000 to be put towards its science department needs; and each student who took part in assisting with the video will receive $100 to put towards school supplies.

For information on the contest guidelines and to enter the contest, click on the link below:

Video Contest Application and Guidelines

2008 Video Contest Winners

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